What is it?

About Yoga
Jacquelyn Miller is the yoga instructor for Life Force Healing and Touch. She has a very medicinal, therapeutic approach to her yoga practice and implements this approach along with diversity in the quality of yoga offered.
Yoga is more than just the physical practice. Yoga is a consistent practice in Mind, Body, and Spirit. Here at Life Force Healing and Touch, Jacquelyn is committed to offering the space for embodying your highest qualities and potential. She does this through the immersion of Mind, Body, and Spirit by utilizing the physical practice and Meditation. She uses the physical practice (asana) to help create awareness in the Mind and Body and to help cultivate energy that brings us back to our breath. You expand on this energy through guided Meditation and conscious awareness throughout your experience.
If you are a client seeking one on one yoga, you will find that the sequence of the practice is specifically designed for you and your intention. She will make you feel.

Welcome to Life Force
Healing and Touch